Week 1 Dev Log: Jan 21st - 27th

Week 1 - Dev Log

This week we had two meetings that were spent planning and resolving any confusion about the concept of our game due to me not being able to attend the second game jam with the team. We have started the planning and design stages for character designs and game mechanics.


  • Finalized concept for core game mechanics
  • Finalized basic story concept
  • Finalized design for the main character

In Progress:

  • Character designs for evil lord and fairy/guide
  • Model for the main character
  • Samples for the title screen music
  • Perspective rotation and level rotation mechanic
  • Player movement mechanic
  • Indoor and outdoor level landscape

Our current priority right now is to have a functioning mockup of our core mechanic which is perspective rotation and level rotation, which will be worked on in the upcoming days. 

Next Steps:

  • Brainstorming level design/puzzle design
  • Checkpoint and health system
  • UI design
  • Castle asset

Get Shifting Perspective